Vantaggi per i membri


Continuous Opportunities. Premium Experience.

The Mitel User Group (MUG) is an independent, customer-driven community that facilitates networking and sharing among its members while providing a direct feedback channel between Mitel and its users on both local and global scales.

MUG is open to Mitel end-users, partners, and Mitel employees from around the world. We are thrilled to welcome Unify customers to the Mitel community, fostering growth and knowledge together. Join us and be a part of a vibrant, collaborative network dedicated to enhancing your Mitel experience!

Membership is FREE and includes access to our invaluable community, engagements and educational resources.

MUGpro include tutto ciò che l'iscrizione al MUG ha da offrire più vantaggi esclusivi come le opportunità di prova sul campo Mitel e l'ambiente di prova ibrido Mitel. 

Vantaggi per i membri