iSpy Mitel

iSpy Mitel

The iSpy Mitel Referral Program is a new opportunity to encourage end user engagement
and grow the Mitel User Group (MUG) community.

Be on the ‘lookout’ for Mitel products in the places you visit. For example, the next time you stay at a hotel or visit your bank, doctor’s office, school, etc., try to catch a glimpse of their communication system.   

How to iSpy Mitel

  1. Did you ‘iSpy’ the Mitel logo?

  2. Grab a quick photo pointing to the logo. Don’t be shy – we would love you to be in the picture! You may recognize the picture taker in this sample photo! It’s Eric Hanson, Mitel’s very own Chief Marketing Officer, who spotted the Mitel logo while on vacation! 

  3. Simply complete the quick referral form below whenever you ‘iSpy’ Mitel products, upload your photo and submit.

Eric Hanson, Chief Marketing Officer at Mitel

Your Chance to Win

Sharing this information can be incredibly valuable in helping us identify Mitel customers who may not yet be aware of MUG and all it offers.  

Each quarter, we’ll randomly select one lucky MUG member who has submitted one or more referrals of companies/organizations who are not already members of MUG to win a $50 Amazon e-gift card!  (Randomly selected members may only win once per year.) 

Thank you for your participation.

iSpy Mitel Referral Form

Please provide as much of the full information as available to assist us with identification. Enter ‘NA’ for any fields for which you do not have the information.

Your Details

I am a…(Vereist)

Referral Organization Information

Please include: Street, City, State/Region, Country
May we use your name and photo submission for MUG marketing purposes?(Vereist)
Toegestane bestandstypen: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Please upload your photo pointing to the Mitel logo.
